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GC Sinclaire
Epic Fantasy
My Writing
Life is an amazing and entertaining journey. I consider myself incredibly blessed to be this healthy, able to walk again, dance, and have such a wonderful life. Music often inspires me and helps the words to flow. I love to create and could not imagine my life without it. I wrote poetry from childhood on but did not get serious about actually writing a book until 2012. At that time, I decided I was going to share my story of how I ended up in a wheelchair for several years and how I fought my way back to life. At first, it was flowing pretty well, but then I found delving into all that unhappiness too depressing, and the project soon stalled.
While sailing across the ocean in 2013, I started having extremely vivid dreams. When I wrote these down, more facts emerged, almost like I had lived these stories. I began to compile them into a book and created a solar system to go with them, as well as worlds and maps. While I was working on my magical tales, a new story came my way. At first, I intended to include it with the rest but 'Thorgrim’s Dream' turned into so much material it will take up several volumes. It is waiting for me to get the other books out so that I can give it my undivided attention.
Also, I felt strongly that I needed to create a name for myself before publishing this epic series, so I began editing the book of stories. I have included one of these in my Blog. I was actually almost done with this when I had this incredible dream. The tale just begged to be told, and I could not refuse.
At first, I thought it would be just another short story to be included in the book I was working on. But, when I started putting it on paper, it took on a life of its own. “Arianna - A Tale from the Eleven Kingdoms" is the result of this dream. Some of the twists and turns were as much of a surprise to me as I hope they will be to you. This made writing this entertaining tale incredibly fun.
Somehow, it just felt right that this would be the first of my books to see publication. I was initially going to use Balboa but ended up creating my own publishing company. Eventually, I will turn this story into an audiobook.
Since then, I have published four more books. While working on the sequels to 'Arianna,' a dream presented me with a whole new storyline, and the 'Mystic Highlands Series' was born. Two of these, 'Mystic Highlands Love Story' and 'Mystic Highlands Wedding,' are now published. The third is in the works. In between these two, another dream turned into the 'The Shapeshifter's Bride.' All five books are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions.
A few years back, I also worked with a fellow author, Patton Boyle, to help him bring his thought-provoking and life-changing books to publication. I assisted him with some of the editing and did his interior design, layout, and covers. The result was:
The Peaceable Kingdom; The Land of Joy: A Story about Loss and Hope for Adults or Children; Screaming Hawk: The Mystic Warrior; Screaming Hawk: The Mystic Paths; Screaming Hawk: The Mystic Teacher; and the fourth book in the series, Screaming Hawk: The Mystic Healer.
My latest work, set in the Arctic on a planet not unlike ours, was supposed to be just one book. As happens so often, this exciting tale took on a life of its own. It continued to grow! Then, it hit me one day that the dream had set the stage for a large number of sequels. Once the first two installments were completed, I intended to return to the next part of the Mystic Highlands Series. Instead, I wrote and published "An Exceptional Adventure" when my writing came to a dead stop in book 5 of the series.
I truly love what I do. I feel incredibly blessed to have the ability to not only put the words on paper but also create the graphics to go with them. My writing allows me to process the past as well as current events. It feeds my heart and soul, is my bliss, my life purpose.
Over the last few years, I have grown, both as a writer and as a human being. This gives me more introspection and an ever-increasing understanding of myself and the world around me. I believe in divine timing and that there is a reason for everything. My tales are a gift to this world, and I hope the subtle message of love and forgiveness touches my readers' hearts and helps make this world a better place.
About GC Sinclaire
GC Sinclaire was born in Karlsruhe, Germany, and grew up there until she immigrated to a lovely plot of land in Sutherlin, Oregon. Over the years, she spent some time in California and then Utah, where she entered the US Army. Her training started in Alabama and continued in Texas. Her first and only duty station was Fort Campbell in Kentucky. From there, she moved to Tennessee before finally finding her way back to the West. Since November of 2011, her home has mostly been here in the delightful city of Gig Harbor, Washington, with a few months here and there spent in Hawaii.
GC believes that life is an incredible journey and much more fun with company than on her own. Therefore, she truly treasures her friends and family. She is certain that one day, she will meet someone to share her life with, someone who will make her heart and soul sing. For now, she is happy and content. All is as it should be; she has her writing, a fairy garden to play in, her pets to keep her entertained, parks and beaches not far away, and the mountains within an hour's drive.
Sinclaire feels blessed to have such wonderful friends, many of whom are talented artists themselves. Most importantly, they share much love and laughter. Her adorable dogs help her to stay fit and healthy, and her two guinea pigs are fun and cuddly. The magical summer months here in the magnificent Pacific Northwest lend themselves to all kinds of outdoor activities. This does distract from her writing, but it is worth it since the beauty around her feeds her soul and gives rise to new stories.
The talented author loves the glorious Pacific Northwest, especially Washington State. It is her home. She sailed from there to Hawaii in 2013 and stated that it was the most amazing experience of a lifetime. She saw dawn on the ocean, hundreds of miles from land, as something without comparison and described it as follows:
"You watch as first just a few shadows appear. There is a certain sense of anticipation in the air since you never know what to expect. The night, after all, has shrouded your environs, hiding potential trouble. Then, as the light increases, the things around you become a little clearer and more colorful. Slowly but surely, the brightness increases until the sun bursts over the horizon to bathe the world in its radiant light, revealing all that had been hidden.
When you are out there, you leave all your land-based troubles behind. There is just you, your mates, your trusty vessel, and the ever-changing sea. My love for the ocean has grown so deep that I could not imagine a life without sailing, kayaking, or living close to the sea. "
The summers in Washington State are magical. GC loves the tall, dark trees, the magnificent mountains, the picturesque San Juan Islands, and the waters of Puget Sound. To her, being out in all this beauty is a renewal of her spirit, her very soul, a return home. She and her dogs go hiking and love to explore. Kayaking is something that she prefers to do without them or with just one. She finds the idea of ending up in the cold water not very appealing.
The author's inspiration these days comes from many places, such as dreams, walks in the woods, or something seen in passing. If you would like to read some of her work, a couple of her stories and a few poems are awaiting you on this website. In addition, a dating guide for those who are empaths and tend to be too forgiving and nice is included here. On her Facebook page, GC Sinclaire, she posts updates and ideas. You can also connect with her there.
Much love and a wonderful day!
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